
Char lezunerin havatatz im yarŭ
artzunkhnerov lŭtzretz sev sev acherŭ.
Es achkharŭ shat fooch banŭ herana
uzumehi heranal u moranal.
My love listened to the evil tongues,
and filled her black, black eyes with tears.
This world is a very worthless thing,
I wanted to get away, to get away
Refrain : Karun, karun, karune,
sirun, sirun, sirun e.
Et kho sev, sev acherov,
yar jan intz tu ayrumes.
and to forget.
Spring, spring, it's spring,
lovely, lovely, it's lovely.
With those black, black eyes,
my love, you burn me.
Et kho seritz molorvatzem kun chunem
Bolar khisher artzunkhnerov khanchumem.
Yar jan indznitz mi herana sirumem.
Antznotznerŭ chartzumen te yar kuzem.
From this love of yours, I am lost, can't sleep,
I cry out in tears all night long.
My love, don't turn away from me; I love you.
The passers-by think I want love.

Source : MIT Folk Dance Club.